Monday, August 28, 2006

Autism and Law Enforcement Workshop - November 16, 2006 - UVARC - Perth-Andover

The Upper Valley Autism Resource Centre will be hosting Matt Brown
Federal Law Enforcement Officer and Information Specialist with Autism
Society Maine. Mr. Brown has develooped a training program for police,
fire and EMS on how to recognize and autism and how to appropriately
interact with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder:

November 16, 2006

River Valley Civic Centre (Perth-Andover, NB)
1:00 TO 3:00 pm $10.00/PERSON
Free for parents of children with autism
MUST contact UVAR Centre by November 1, 2006

(506) 273-6721

1 comment:

  1. is presenting 3 Safety Training seminars by Dennis Debbaudt on Wed. September 27th in Charlottetown PEI.

    Session 1
    for Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice
    8:00am - Registration & Refreshments
    8:30am - 12:00pm - Law Enforcement Training Session (with appropriate breaks)
    Holland College Lecture Theatre

    Session 2
    for First Responders & Emergency Personnel
    1:00pm - Registration & Refreshments
    1:30pm - 4:00pm - First Responder Training Session (with appropriate breaks)
    Holland College Lecture Theatre

    Holland College Lecture Theatre
    140 Weymouth Street, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

    Session 3
    for Autistic Individuals, Parents, Educators, Care Providers & the General Public
    6:00pm - Registration & Refreshments
    6:30-9:30pm - Autism Risk & Safety Training (with appropriate breaks)
    Charlottetown Rural High School Theatre

    Charlottetown Rural High School Theatre, 100 Raiders Road, Charlottetown, PEI

    Pre-registration is required for this free training event. Seating is limited and participation will be on a first come, first served basis. Please Pre-register by Friday, September 22nd by sending your name, address and contact phone number or email address and the session you are attending to

    Brochure for Sessions 1 & 2 are here, brochure for Session 3 is here.

    More info at
