Thursday, August 31, 2006

ASNB Applauds Stan Cassidy Autism Team Decision

The following is a letter to Health Minister Brad Green.

The Autism Society New Brunswick wishes to send congratulations and our sincere thanks regarding the recent announcement to deliver specialized services for persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the Stan Cassidy Rehabilitation Centre. We in the autism community were delighted to hear that funding is to be allocated for the development of a highly specialized autism team.

Special thanks to Ron Harris and committee members for your dedication and efforts to ensure the visionary plan would indeed become a reality. We believe this is very positive and the right step.

Autism is a serious neurological disorder, often accompanied with severe complex health issues, which puts this population at a greater risk. Having a specialized autism team providing the necessary medical interventions will no doubt reduce the autism at risk population.

The Autism Society New Brunswick wishes to applaud everyone for their efforts. The announcement has been very encouraging for the autism community.

Lila Barry
President, ASNB

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