Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Autism Society New Brunswick Meeting January 15, 2011

The Autism Society New Brunswick will be meeting Saturday, January 15 2011 beginning at 10 am at the Wu Centre, UNB Fredericton.  Everyone in NB affected by autism, whether you are autistic, have an autistic child, family member or friend is invited to attend.  The preschool autism intervention services now in place did not exist a decade ago. Teacher aides and resource teachers had not been trained at the UNB-CEL Autism Intervention Training Program. Individual learning environment accommodation did not exist to any extent. These services resulted from a  determined group of parents working through the Autism Society New Brunswick.  ASNB was unfunded by government and did not have paid staff.  We were conflict free and dedicated our energies toward making changes for the benefit of autistic children, youth and adults.  

More needs to be done.  Let's  get it done. Come to the ASNB meeting at the Wu Centre, UNB Fredericton on Saturday January 15 2011 beginning at 10 am and get started. 

See you there.

Harold L Doherty


  1. Anonymous7:44 am

    I'll be there.


  2. That's great Dawn. New Brunswick accomplished much with a provincial voice advocating for autism services. We have to break out of the silos and resume our efforts.


  3. i would have loved to come but i will be working at the time (and in moncton to) so by the time i get there after work it will be to late

  4. Carl I am sorry you can't make it. If you know anyone in Moncton affected by autism I hope you will pass the information on to them.

