Friday, January 14, 2011

Autism Services in Stormy Economic Weather

Autism in New Brunswick: Where Are We Now?
How Did We Get Here? Where Are We Going?

ASNB Open Meeting
Saturday January 15 at 10 am
Wu Centre UNB Fredericton

ASNB is holding an open meeting for anyone affected by  autism in New Brunswick.  The purpose of the meeting will be two fold: To re-organize the Autism Society New Brunswick, the provincial autism voice that fought very hard for the autism services we currently have in New Brunswick,  and to summon the will, in challenging economic times, to ensure a future for autistic children and adults in New Brunswick.

ASNB is fortunate to have Dr. Paul McDonnell and Dr. Tara Kennedy addressing those present.

Tara Kennedy, MD, PhD, FRCPC, is a Developmental Pediatrician who works with children and families affected by autism in her position as Clinical Leader of Pediatric Autism Rehabilitation Services at the Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Paul M. McDonnell, Ph.D., is a Professor Emeritus (Psychology) at UNB and a clinical child psychologist with a private practice who has helped many autistic children directly and indirectly by guiding the parents who fought for our current autism services in New Brunswick.

Harold L Doherty autism parent and advocate will also be speaking about autism parenting and autism advocacy  in difficult economic times. 

The audience will be speaking. The floor will be open.
 If there is something you want to say, speak up.

Contact Harold L Doherty at

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