Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday Morning Conor Fun

On Saturday mornings we usually walk to the SuperStore with Conor to pick up a few groceries. We get some exercise that way and we reduce our carbon footprint by leaving the car in the driveway. The best part though is having fun with Conor. Yesterday Conor did some running on the way to the store, first running away from Heather and then back towards her while she was taking some pictures. (My pontoon sneakers can be seen in the background in one pic).

At the Superstore Conor posed patiently with his new Toy Story 3 poster while Dad took a couple of pics. We drop by the Superstore bakery often. Conor likes the various movie decorations on the cakes. It really felt good when staff brought out a Toy Story 3 poster and gave it to Conor.


  1. Anonymous7:14 am

    Love it!!


  2. How awesome! My 21yo loves Toy Story 3 too. When she carries around her "babies" (sh . . . dolls), most people realize she is different and are extra sweet to heart. Moments like that warm my heart!

  3. This last photo is so precious - "patiently posing" indeed :D haha

  4. Thanks for sharing - our weekend was dreadful (meltdown, leading to half a wall smashed down) but it started so, so like yours! we walked to the store, shopped - he bought a train set - came home, did some crafts, then BANG. Mid-bang it's hard to remember there's non-bang moments... I needed this reminder.

  5. That is just so fun. :)
