Thursday, September 09, 2010

Best Autism Tweet of the New Brunswick Election From Liberal Kelly Lamrock

  " klamrock: Still more to do on #autism file. We'll work w/parents to address adult care incl community-based residential care #nbvotes

4 days ago via Mobile Web · Reply · View Tweet "

Over the last 4 years the Liberal government honored a commitment by Premier Graham to provide  4 years of UNB-CEL Autism Intervention Training to classes of approximately 100  teacher assistants and resource teachers a year over the objections of some senior Education officials, who actually knew little about autism. They also faced opposition from some union officials who opposed autism specfiic training for TA's. I was involved in many of the discussions and I can tell you from personal knowledge that it was a very tough fight to do the right thing for New Brunswick's autistic students. I can tell you from very direct, personal involvement that Kelly Lamrock and the Shawn Graham Liberal government honored their commitment and put the interests of NB's autistic students ahead of vested adult interests.
When Kelly Lamrock says that a Liberal government will work with the parents to address the address adult care including community based residential care this father of a severely autistic 14 year old son, who has been involved very intensely with the changes that have made New Brunswick a leader in pre-school intervention and education of autistic children says ... I believe Kelly Lamrock and a Liberal government will keep their word. I believe it because I have already seen them do it.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:19 pm

    I don't do twitter....but am so pleased Kelly commented. I am still waiting to talk to him

