Monday, September 06, 2010

Autism and High School: Conor's Final Preparation

Conor has been anxious to return to school; literally counting down each day and telling Mom and Dad how many days left until school. Today was ONE DAY left!.  Last year we did some transition planning for Conor's move from Middle School to High School.  Together with Middle School, High School and District 18 representatives we prepared Conor, as best we could, for the transition to High School.  The planning included actual visits to Leo Hayes High School and work with the UNB-CEL Autism Intervention trained  Teacher Assistants who will be working with Conor this year. They also visited Conor at Middle School and spent some time working with him there before the end of the year.  Hopefully that familiarity with the place, and with some key people, will help ensure a smooth transition. Today, with more fine weather, I took Conor for a visit to Leo Hayes High School just to see the building, one more time,  where he will be attending school tomorrow.  


  1. He's so tall - as tall as the doors to the school!
    Its great that he is so excited. We are bracing for preschool (I know - haha its so many years behind from where Conor is right now) but I will be accompanying my son to the private co-op nursery. Lets hope it is a successful experience. This will be the second attempt (after being kicked out of montessori at age 3) :D

    I just couldn't find any worker that I could afford and liked! Here in the city of Toronto (might be different in Peel), they do not provide a support person to accompany you to preschool. You have to shove the kid in day care or when they are old enough in kindergarten and in Toronto they seem to have given up on integration and will lump you in the "Autism" classroom - which basically consists of a bunch of high functioning kids and the modus operandi seems to be "I will sit on you to make you behave and study" - not the ideal situation for a kid bordering on ODD - its not funny but I laugh sometimes at the absurdity of the TDSB.

    When we are confident enough to train our own staff maybe I will move to a small town...

  2. Anonymous2:49 pm

    How exciting! All the best, Conor!

  3. Anonymous6:07 pm

    Justin will be 'high fiving' him by the end of the week :)
    He'll do just fine.


  4. Anonymous10:20 pm

    Good luck and best wishes!

  5. Anonymous1:41 am

    I hope tomorrow goes well. Kudos for all of the preparation. Go, Conor!!!!

  6. Barry Hudson11:05 am

    All the best to young Conor on his first day of high school! As changes go we prepare as best we can yet still find no way to minimize the worry. He must be one of the tallest there!


  7. Best wishes for Conor is his new school

  8. On behalf of Conor thank you to everyone for your expressions of support.

    Conor loved his first day of high school and was beaming happily as I dropped him off this morning.
