Sunday, July 11, 2010

Autism Disorders and Family: Conor Has Always Loved Life and Basked in the Love of Family

Conor has always loved and enjoyed life to the full. He has also basked in the love and affection of family. In the pictures of Conor's early years that follow he is seen with his Mom, Dad, Brother Brandon and Grammy Doherty.  We have accepted, embraced and loved Conor, autism and all, but we have not embraced his Autistic Disorder because to do so would be to abandon the boy that we love so much.  We fought for ABA and accommodated education services for him to help improve his situation in life which, as for most, will grow more difficult with time, particularly when time, age and the inevitable fate of all humans takes his family from him.   We fight for real autism research aimed at finding treatments and cures that will benefit Conor and other persons with autism disorders who need and want treatment.  

I challenge anyone, Neurodiversity ideologue or otherwise,  to say that the boy in these pictures is not accepted and loved by his family.  Don't do it anonymously or under an internet stage name though.  Put your full real  name on your comment and tell me this boy is not living life and being loved to the full.

Conor has Autistic Disorder and Intellectual Disabilities. He has a very restricted life ahead of him once Mom and Dad are gone. Those are realities we as caring, clear headed parents can not ignore. Because of that we fight hard for accommodation, research, treatment and ... cure for Autistic Disorder to benefit  the wonderful gift that we have enjoyed for so many years ... to benefit Conor.


  1. I can't believe someone was stupid enough to say something like that to you. Of course they didn't truly believe it and were only trying to hurt you.

    One only has to read a few pages of your blog and look at the pictures of Conor and his smile to know he is truly loved and nurtured.

  2. Seriously?? Whoever suggested you're anything but a loving Dad is probably just doing their best to get under your skin... but what a hurtful way to do it! So sorry to hear you've been dealing with that (from one autism blogger to another!).


  3. Thank you for sharing these lovely expressions.

    And also thanks for putting the link of my blog in your last post.

    I imagine myself a deformed crazy woman by the time Khaled is 14 or 15. These thoughts of the future keep me up at night too. And this future can come at any time. It doesn't have to come when we are old enough to die...then what?

  4. ian MacGregor11:24 pm

    Some people see fighting for an autism cure as rejection of the child. Indeed at times it is very hard to distinguish which is more important to them, the child or his autism.

    Currently there is no cure for autism, but if one were found, where would you draw the line between acceptance of the condition and negligence?

    If my daughter had cancer and I refused to give her treatment, the state would step in to ensure she received that treatment.

    If a legitimate, ave evidenced-based medicine cure were found, and I refused to make it available to my daughter would not the state rightly step in?

    I am not saying everyone on the spectrum needs to be cured. I am asking, "What type of love is it that would deny a cure to someone who is low-functioning?" It stems from a value system I don't understand. I also don't understand those who
    predate on the fears of parents and offer extremely dubious treatments and therapies.

  5. Barry Hudson11:46 pm

    Hi Harold,

    Loving parents have always been marginalized, in the ASD world it is even more so (sad to say). I have found that ignoring such is better for the blood pressure. No sign of lack of love here, poor choice in hockey team selection obviously (sorry) but otherwise nothing to support anything negative. For those that make such attack or opinions I actually pity - their punishment is the way they live. I would not wish such a narrow world view on anyone.

