Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Conor's New Housecoat

Yesterday when I picked Conor up at  school Brad,  a Teacher Assistant , had a gift for him.  Some of the people who work with Conor know he likes the Cat in the Hat and when they saw this  housecoat they  had to get it for him. Conor is happy with his new housecoat.  He has been very fortunate to have some kind, caring people working with  him at school.


  1. Anonymous3:40 pm

    What a great gift! He looks like he is really enjoying it! It is nice that the school staff know him so well, and knew how much he would like this.

  2. A very happy picture, I adore the cat in the hat as well

  3. I like a "good school staff" story for a change.
