Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's OK, It's Politically Correct to Stigmatize Persons on Intellectual Disabled, Low Functioning End of the Autism Spectrum

"The stigma of autism is fading fast. One reason is that we now understand that autism is a spectrum with an enormous range. Some people with autism are nonverbal with profound cognitive disabilities, while others are accomplished professionals.


People who now have a diagnosis of Asperger’s can be just as socially impaired as those with autism. So Asperger’s should not be a synonym for “high functioning.” Likewise, people with autism who are described as “low functioning,” including those without language, can have the kinds of intelligence and hidden abilities that are associated with Asperger’s — in art, music and engineering, for example — and can communicate if given assistance.


We no longer need Asperger’s disorder to reduce stigma. And my daughter does not need the term Asperger’s to bolster her self-esteem. Just last week, she introduced herself to a new teacher in her high school health class. “My name is Isabel,” she said, “and my strength is that I have autism.”

NYT Times Op-Ed, Disorder out of Chaos,  February 9, 2010, Roy Richard Grinker, Anthropologist,  father of a daughter with Asperger's

The stigma of autism is fading fast for those with Aspergers disorder who, by definiton, do not have intellectual disabilities, and who can be quite successful in many fields of endeavor.  The original stigma against those with autism who are intellectually disabled continues and is in fact promoted by people like Professor Grinker who essentially argue that persons with Aspergers should not feel stigmatized by inclusion in the autistic disorder category in the DSM 5 because we know that people with autism are really quite intelligent.  The stigma feared by those with Aspergers who express concern, and spokespersons like Grinker,  is clearly the stigma of being associated with the intellectually disabled.   

The NYT and Professor Grinker do not urge anyone to refrain from such fears  on the basis  that there is nothing wrong with being placed in a disorder category with persons with intellectual disabilities.   Instead,  in 2010 they try to imply that persons with autism disorders don't really have intellectual disabilities at all.  This is a falsehood, perpetuated by successive revisions of the DSM including the DSM 5.  In 2010 it is OK, it is in fact politically correct to stigmatize the intellectually disabled members of the autism spectrum in order to make some persons with Aspergers feel comfortable about formal inclusion in the autistic disorder category.

Professor Roy Richard Grinker, and the New York Times which gave him their podium, assert that autism disorders are disorders only in the sense that persons carrying an autism disorder diagnosis are socially awkward.  They make light of the very harsh realities faced by persons with severe, low functioning autistic disorder diagnoses.  While Professor Grinker,  with a high functioning, intelligent, if socially awkward daughter, feels comfortable in assuring us that "people with autism who are described as “low functioning,” including those without language, can have the kinds of intelligence and hidden abilities that are associated with Asperger’s"this father of an intellectually disabled, low functioning 14 year old boy with severe Autistic Disorder does not buy what the Professor is selling.  Professor Grinker's opinion, rosy at it is, informed as it is by his high functioning daughter's Asperger's Disorder, is not substantiated by professional literature or anecdotal evidence concerning Autistic Disorder.

I  know first hand the realities of living with, raising and caring for a severely autistic child, now well into adolescence.  As an advocate I have represented parents of severely autistic children trying to cope with the realities of severely autistic children while the good professors and others who promote autism as a strength prattle on with their powerful media megaphones like the NYT in hand.  As an advocate here in New Brunswick, Canada I have visited with severely autistic persons living in psychiatric hospital facilities.  The good Professor's rose colored,  Autism as Asperger's, glasses obscure his understanding of the harsher realities faced by the severely autistic to the detriment of those most severely affected by autism who need society to understand those realities before their lives can be changed for the better.

The Professor apparently doesn't follow news of autism as closely as he follows news of Aspergers.  If he did he would know of people like  Keith Kennedy lost in mid-west woods for a week, James Delorey who wandered off to his ultimate demise in a Nova Scotia snow storm, the child who died in a neighborhood pool recently,  the young man arrested by police at a  hospital that refused him admittance because of his autistic behavior  who informed the arresting officer that he was a good boy,  and those who are lost in local traffic . Or he might know of those severely autistic children like my son Conor who was fortunate to survive a busy neighborhood street because a truly good Samaritan stopped his vehicle before traffic stopped my son's life and took him to a local convenience store where I was able to locate him, whole and healthy with chips and candies in hand,  after calling 911.  

If the good Professor knew the realities of severe autism disorders he would know of the middle aged woman living in a New York residential facility who was  repeatedly, severely and physically abused by staff until caught on camera and saved by a conscientious staffer.  The  abuse had gone of for some time but the woman, severely autistic, was unable to communicate her situation to the facility and may not have known she could do so.  

The myth that even non-verbal autistic persons have Aspergers like intelligence is promoted in stark defiance of the professional studies done to date.  The Canadian Psychological Association, which embodies in its membership at least as much knowledge of the autism spectrum as that which can be attributed to Anthropology Professor Grinker,  stated in its 2006 Canadian Senate submission that ""Cognitive impairment is present in about 80% of persons diagnosed with Autism and general intellectual functioning is most often below averageThe  CPA figures, which expressly included only autism and excluded  Aspergers from the 80% figure,  mirror very closely two successive surveys conducted by the CDC in the US.  CDC  Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network gathered data in  2004 and 2006  that indicated between 41 and 44% of persons on the autism spectrum (including persons with Aspergers who, by definition are not intellectually disabled or cognitively impaired) also suffered from intellectual disability.

Professor Grinker, proud father of a daughter with Aspergers,   does not mind reassuring people with Aspergers that their inclusion in the DSM 5's autistic disorder category will not result in their stigmatization by association with intellectually disabled persons with autistic disorder.  This proud father of an intellectually disabled son with autistic disorder does mind.  I mind very much and I strenuously object to this  stigmatization of intellectually disabled autistic persons like my son.  For me, such stigmatization is not politically correct.  It is offensive and  unacceptable.  

1 comment:

  1. Amen and AMEN.

    I heartily agree. I am an adult with PDD-NOS. While there is a growning trend for aspies and those who are high functioning to embrace their ASD as a vehichle for creativity, or a way of "neurdiversity" there are many, like yourself, who don't agree. Regarding the specific point of persons with autism spectrum disorder having hidden talents, which may or may not be true, this shows the danger of generalizing across the autism spectrum. Autism is such a broad spectrum that what is normal for one may not be normal for another. I must confess that the way my blog was worded implied that i thought the same thing. I have since edited that blog to include the caveat that not everyone on the spectrum is a hidden genius. I hope you read my latest blog post containing my thoughts on this.

    Regarding your complaint that stigmatizing intellectually disabled persons is politically correct, i share your sentiments and ire. I have lived my life with the belief that any person is a PERSON first and foremost, deserving diginty and respect. Every person has value, regardless of IQ, or disability, or personal appearance, etc etc. Given this, there should be NO room for stigma of any sort. It's like that hymn..we are many parts, but we are all one body.. we are all PEOPLE, with dreams and passions.. So what if some of us can't comprehend what others can? See more of this on my blog.. all for now :)
