Sunday, December 06, 2009

7 Year Old Autistic Boy Missing in Snow and Wind in Nova Scotia

CBC and other news sources are reporting that James Delorey, a 7 year old autistic boy, has been missing since yesterday amidst snow and winds in Nova Scotia. The boy doesn't speak and was not dressed for the weather conditions when he apparently wondered off into the woods after the family dog. Hundreds of people on foot and ATV's (all terrain vehicles) have been looking for the boy today.

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1 comment:

  1. navywifeandmom1:54 am

    Oh my God; that is horrible. I will pray for them to find this boy alive; he is about my daughter's age. He must be terrified and his family must be just sick about this right now. I think I'd be ready for an insane asylum within a few hours thinking of every possible horrible thing that could happen if Natalie were lost and alone in the woods. "Autism reality" has struck again, sadly.
