Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remembering, Giving Thanks and Enjoying What We Have Today

This morning I remembered, in the comfort of my home, the sacrifices of those who have risked, and in too many cases given, their lives for our freedom. I am thankful and I am grateful for all that they have given and for all that they continue to give so that Canadians and other people can enjoy fundamental freedoms.

We often think of freedom in grand social, political or legal terms. The freedom to express oneself, to have a say in choosing those who will govern us, to try and influence the decisions of those who govern us. In my case the autism advocacy that I, and other parents, have been engaged in for the past 11 years would not be happening without the sacrifices of those that we pause to remember each year on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

This afternoon I remembered their sacrifices in a different way by enjoying the freedom that I sometimes take for granted, the freedom to walk with my son Conor and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds us here in Fredericton. And I did think of those young men and women who never enjoyed these simple freedoms and pleasures that I enjoyed this afternoon. The young people who have given their lives would not be able to enjoy the sight of their son or daughter stopping at a local video store for a gumball treat as I did today with my buddy Conor; or see them run excitedly across the store parking lot to the trail back home.

To all of those who risked, or made, the ultimate sacrifices, to all those who continue to put yourselves in harm's way so that we can all be free, I remember and I say thank you.

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  1. Yesterday morning waiting for the bus (special ed one), I said to the younger "You have an assembly today". He looked at me and said "Red Rose" and pointed to his heart. I had to think for a moment and said "It's a poppy for Rememberance Day".

    It's been on the TV and we get them every year. But I was surprised - and I shouldn't be this year but still am - that he knew what day it was yesterday.

    They made him a stick-on one at school. Less chance of getting hurt with the pin.

  2. Anonymous8:20 am

    All I can say is I wish you all love and good tidings. I have two granddaughters both autistic and one epilectic as well. We cope mostly by loving the kids to bits and giving them some leeway. Works most of the time. I would love to keep in touch. We do get some government support but mostly it is help thyself. All our love goes out to your young bloke and yourself.
