Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Important Autism Reminder: There Are Autistic Persons Living In Institutional Care, Let Us Not Forget Them

It is a fact that does not appear to have permeated the consciousness of CBC and other mainstream media but there are autistic persons living in institutions in Canada. These autistic persons are not likely to appear on CBC television proclaiming that they do not want to be cured. They will not appear on CBC television proclaiming the joys of being Posautively Autistic. For that the CBC's autism journalism dilettantes would have to actually visit such an institution and observe these autistic souls and their actual lives. Pretty scary stuff for the CBC autism journalists who prefer to get their autism education at a Toronto art gallery autism project.

The CBC would prefer to ignore the severely autistic and feature repeated interviews on CBC TV and radio with their favorite autistic person, High Functioning Autistic, Michelle Dawson. If need be they will go to the US and speak with persons with Aspergers Disorder like Ari Ne'eman Washington Insider and self appointed spokesperson for all persons with autism even though his diagnosis is actually Aspergers Disorder. But our delicate autism journalists at the CBC will not visit the institutions in Canada or the US where severely autistic persons live out their existence when parents die or can no longer care for them.

The bottom photo is the Restigouche Regional Hospital in Campbellton, New Brunswick and the top shows the Centracare facility in Saint John New Brunswick. I have visited both facilities and seen what life means for autistic persons in institutional care. If the CBC and its intrepid journalists need directions I would be happy to provide them. I will not hold my breath waiting for the CBC to realize that Michelle and Ari and Alex and Amanda and Estee do not present a full view of the autism spectrum. I will not wait anxiously for the CBC to seek direction to the facilities shown above.

I will ask anyone reading this blog though to remember the autistic persons living in institutional care. For them life is not Posautively Autistic.

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1 comment:

  1. In tears & In support. Thank you TannersDad Tim
