Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Autism and ABA Abuse of Autistic Children - A Case Study, Part 4

Conor did not receive intensive early ABA intervention for 40 hours a week from ages 2-5 as per the ideal standard but he has received ABA intervention for several years including in a school setting. It has made a positive difference as he has acquired substantial communication skills that did not exist at the beginning and he has functioned well in a variety of environments. Self injurious behaviors, and aggressive behavior toward others, have been reduced very substantially.

A number of gains have been made, and Conor has learned much, but at what horrible cost to Conor's innate being ... his true "autie" self ? Has he been turned into a cold hearted, robotic personality responding to commands but offering nothing genuine of himself to the world? In the pictures below Dad has just returned home from an out of town court proceeding looking weary, disheveled, in need of a haircut (and more exercise) and Conor sees an opportunity for some fun with Dad. Are these pictures more evidence of an ABA induced robotic personality?

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  1. Perhaps they are training him to abuse lawyers.

  2. His true self is showing. Not his "autie" self...

  3. LOL Well Claire he owns his lawyer Dad lock stock and barrel.

  4. Anonymous12:51 am

    Great points! My son is less "robotic" since ABA therapy. He has joy, laughter and a sense of humor he didn't have before!

  5. I love the warmth in these photos!

  6. Floortime at it's best.... Or maybe they just call it good parenting???
