Monday, June 08, 2009

Montreal Gazette Speaks Up For Autistic Children

With few exceptions the mainstream media coverage of autism disorders has been abysmal. Even now many in the MSM can do little more than engage in a feeding frenzy over Oprah Winfrey's presentation of health issues including autism disorders. Seldom is concern for how to actually help autistic children or adults reflected in the popular press. Seldom are straightforward facts such as the long proven efficacy of ABA in helping autistic children overcome, in whole or in part, their autistic deficits been mentioned in the MSM. Yesterday the Montreal Gazette spoke up for autistic children and did it well.

In Autistic children deserve better the Gazette argued that the Quebec government of Liberal Premier Jean Charest should amend a piece of legislation, Bill 21, dealing with changes to various legislative rules in the field of mental health and human relations by permitting psychologists specially trained in autism to diagnose and treat persons with autism. Here in New Brunswick psychologists already diagnose and treat autism disorders. In making this argument the Gazette also pointed out that The American Academy of Pediatrics states that "the intensive treatment, known as Applied Behavioral Analysis, is now of "well-documented" effectiveness as a medical treatment" a point seldom made by the mainstream media.

The Montreal Gazette has spoken up, with wisdom and clarity, on behalf of autistic children in Quebec. Hopefully the learned autism journalists at Canada's CBC can take time out from their love affair with Michelle Dawson, Dr. Laurent Mottron and the anti-autism treatment Neurodiversity movement and do the same.

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  1. This is certainly a step in the right direction. The Montreal Gazette has certainly done its part in bringing forth autism realities that are being faced by many parents from all over the country.

    That being said,we must acknowledge that mainstream media is lacking true understanding and initiative on true representation of autism. As mentioned in your post, autism is being misrepresented by CBC television,Michelle Dawson,Dr. Mottron and many ideologues. This only serves to skew the true autism realities. Sadly autism is not being given high priority.

    Our 1st Annual AUPTIMISM Walkathon was a real success in terms of numbers of walkers (200-250)organisation,activities, and entertainment. However, we were really disappointed in lack of interest,understanding and presence of media (TV). Although we had contacted many local government officials as well as our local television media we were surprised to see how nobody cared to show up and acknowledge our event.

    All this to say,although we had a great turn out we were very dissappointed in the apathetic attitude of government and TV- media.


  2. Stem Cells for Autism – An Open Letter to President Obama

    Cologne, Germany (PRWEB) June 8, 2009 — The mother of a Bayport, New York girl reaches out to President Obama to make stem cell therapy available in America after her daughter’s successful treatment in Germany at the XCell-Center in January 2009...
