Monday, June 29, 2009

Lead Babies and Autism: Does Lead Plus Mercury Equal Autism?

Grandview Corners in Surrey BC is the location of a launch for the book Lead Babies by Joanna Cerazy, who has a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership a and Sandra Cottingham M.Sc. and Ph.D. and twenty plus years of classroom experience with regular students and students with special needs.

I have not yet read Lead Babies. The book is reviewed in an article by Alex Browne in the Both educators noticed a rise in developmental problems including attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, autism, delinquency and violence. They conducted research across a variety of research disciplines and concluded that lead was the culprit behind the increases of these developmental problems and disorders:

“We wanted to know what’s going on,” she said. “We started researching various toxins and realized that lead was causing it – that even a low level of lead exposure can cause very serious problems.”

While the toxic effects of lead have been known for years, Lead Babies gathers together the latest research concerning in utero transfer of lead from mother to baby, showing that lead – from a multitude of apparently harmless sources – can pass into the brain and other organs of unborn children.

The Alex Browne article indicates that there is also a section in the book dealing with mercury:

“But there’s a significant increase in the toxic effect of mercury when there is lead in people’s systems. There’s a synergistic effect. It’s a missing piece of the puzzle, one you might not see if you’re only looking at mercury. But lead is such a key piece.”

And lead is pervasive. It is all around us:

The lead industry is still flourishing, Cerazy and Cottingham report. Lead is an important component in many cosmetics, and is a key ingredient in plastics that are required to be bendable, including toys. It can even be found in some kinds of imported candy.

I do intend to read Lead Babies. I will be interested in seeing what the gathered research says about the harmful impact of lead on development. But I will pay particular attention to the section dealing with lead and mercury and their combined or synergistic effects.

Does lead and mercury equal autism? Lead Babies may not answer that question but it is not often that you see any mention of the possible synergistic effects of the many toxins with which we pollute ourselves ... and our children.

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  1. You know Harold, something is going on. I taught small children for a few years and noticed far too many with little "glitches" in thinking, movement, behaviour...stuff that was hard to put a finger on but definitely not "normal". It was always sad to see.

  2. I find it ironic what people will put on their faces (cosmetics) yet then insist on eating only organic foods.

    But they think the products they use are safe. Organic doesn't = safe, nor does Oil of Olay.

  3. Scary isn't it?

    Lead can also be found in our every day drinking water.

    Mercury is found in seafood particularly tuna fish,swordfish,shark and sea bass.

    Mercury is still found in the flu shots.

    Mercury, when found in a child's body attaches itself onto vital organs. Mercury has an affinity to brain cells.

    Toxins drain energy at the cellular level. In doing this there is an interference with the energy producing mitochondria in every cell. As a result the cell is unable to detoxify, thus rendering an increase of toxins in the childs' body.

    We wouldn't be the least bit shocked at the synergistic reaction between the combination of lead and mercury, causing complete havoc in an autistic childs' body.
