Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mozart's Requiem In Fredericton

In the "nothing to do with autism" department I was able last night to attend, with my oldest son, a performance of Mozart's Requiem by the The Fredericton Choral Society and the Fredericton Chamber Orchestra at the Wilmot United Church in Fredericton. It was my first time attending a live performance of any classical music; unless you count my attendance at a Rolling Stones concert in Moncton a couple of years ago :-)

I do not pretend to be musically learned or sophisticated. As a child I did enjoy the classical music sometimes featured on Bugs Bunny cartoons . My interest took a leap forward with the release of the multiple award winning Amadeus. The internet, better computer sound quality and good quality CDs and DVD's have all made classical music more accessible and enjoyable. Last evening though I attended my first live classical performance and I was excited to see and hear one of Mozart's most famous compositions, Requiem, as completed by Süssmayr and performed by the Fredericton Choral Society and the Fredericton Chamber Orchestra.

We arrived early and were able to sit only 3 rows from the front of the orchestra and the conductor. It was an amazing experience for me and my son. The Fredericton Chamber Orchestra will present Robert Schumann's "Spring Symphony and some other pieces at the Wilmot United Church on May 2. I hope to be there again with my son.

Never too old to experience something new and amazing.

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  1. Your reference to Bugs Bunny was a real hoot! I cannot listen to the actual "Marriage of Figaro" music without picturing Bugs sprinkling plant growth formula over the opera singer's head and rubbing it in with his feet!! Glad you enjoyed a well deserved evening out.

  2. Well Roger it is unfortunate that my post disappointed you. For me though the evening was an incredible experience. All the more so because I was able to enjoy it with my son who also loved it.

    I hope my description of my experience does not detract from your ability to enjoy your very large collection of classical records, yes records.

  3. Nice blogpost! First visit here, compliments for your blog! Interesting.

    I attended (in my native country Holland) a Matthaus Passion Concert yesterday, given by the Holland Boys Choir, conducted by Pieter Jan Leusink.

    Wishing you a good Easter!

  4. Aspie Bird, thank you for your kind words.
