Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ASAT Association for Science in Autism Treatment Newsletter Returns

ASAT, the Association for Science in Autism Treatment, has announced the return of its newsletter, Science in Autism Treatment. The newsletter ran from 1999-2003 and will return this summer.

Back issues are still available for viewing at http://www.asatonline.org

This free quarterly newsletter will feature:

*Featured articles by leading advocates for science-based treatment
* Clinical Corner responses to frequently asked questions about autism treatment
* Detailed summaries of specific treatments for autism
* Book reviews
* Reviews of published research to help consumers and professionals access the science
* Interviews with professionals advancing science based treatment and confronting pseudoscience
* Discussion of accurate and inaccurate portrayals of autism and its treatment by the media
*Guidelines to help consumers access effective treatments

YOU can join the mailing list to receive the FREE newsletter by visiting the ASAT website at:

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