Sunday, March 08, 2009

NARA - Neurodiversity's Autism Research Agenda

I am impressed by The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee Strategic Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorder Research - January 26, 2009. It is balanced and comprehensive with a clear focus on actually helping autistic persons and their families. There are of course competing perspectives on any important topic. Following is what I assume, based on past readings, the Neurodiversity movement might offer for an autism spectrum disorders research agenda:

1. Conduct research to demonstrate that high functioning autistic persons, and persons with Asperger's, have a different, in many cases superior, intelligence.

2. Conduct research to demonstrate that the cognitive deficits which afflict some persons with autistic disorder are unrelated to their autistic conditions. The mental retartdation and cognitive deficits shown by some with autistic disorders should not be associated with autism disorders but described as separate disorders.

3. Conduct research to prove that all of history's scientific, artistic, literary and philosophical geniuses were in fact autistic.

4. Conduct no research of possible environmental causes or triggers of autism. Autism is just a natural variation. It is a waste of time to conduct research of possible environmental causes of autism.

5. Conduct no research of the genetic bases of autism. If genetic markers of autism are found "autistics" could be the target of a genocidal eugenics campaign by evil Neurotypicals.

6. Conduct no research of possible treatments or cures of autism disorders. After all autism disorders are not really medical disorders at all. It is abuse, and a violation of their human rights, to treat or cure persons with autism spectrum disorders.

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  1. I still don't understand what having superior intelligence has to do with having HFA/AS. Superior intelligences is what allows those with HFA/AS to actually function somewhat in society, not the fact that having HFA/AS makes them intelligent; you have to have superior intelligence to function in any somewhat normal way (go to college, hold a job, etc.) if you have an ASD.

    If I didn't have an ASD I'd still be the same highly intelligent, very introverted, very introspective person, except I would actually be able to hold a conversation with another human being, I'd actually be able to have a much more productive life, I wouldn't have been stranded on the Island of Stephanie for so long.

  2. Maybe the neurodiverse crowd would like to meet up personally with some of these overwhelmed,isolated,distraught,financially drained families.It's time to stop muttering the unrealistic, and out of touch ideologies.Get off your high horses and step into the 'shoes' of these families.

    Isolation and non-support are bringing these families to the tip of the ice-berg.Support for autism is needed immediately.Otherwise,similar consequences may follow:

    -a father from the Bronx repeatedly stabbed his 12 year old son.

    -In Mclean Va, a former assisstant secretary of commerce in the Bush administaration shot his 12 year old autistic son to death.

    -Parents of a 19 year old autistic youth set fire to their home in Albany,Oregon

    -A Tucson mother and her friend tied up and burned an autistic 5 year old, then gave him an overdose of sleeping pills.

    -A pathologist in Pekin suffocated her 3 year old duaghter by placing a trash bag over her head

    Denial serves no purpose,but to aggravate an already difficult situation going from bad to worse.

  3. shaking, it sure is time to shed unrealistic ideologies. If the neurodiversity people would ever talk about such tragedies, they would blame them on negative talk and portrayals of autism, and use it to antagonize the pro-cure people who acknowledge the realities of autism. And it's very difficult to get the neurodiversity people to really think of what it would be like to have to deal with situations much more unfortunate than their own.

  4. I am impressed with the stance that the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee takes. In addition to this there is a great book out there that is also a great help in helping to fight the battle against autism- the book is titled,"Nourishing Hope." As a parent, I think every autism pediatrician should give "Nourishing Hope," by Julie Matthews, to parents when a child is diagnosed with autism. The autism diet discussed in the book gets you immediately on the road to recovery. Biomedical autism diets are clearly explained and implementing them is easy after reading the book.

  5. Future tragedies can be prevented.

    The main idea here is to create awareness,acceptance and inclusion for people with autism. This could not be a feasable task,if support(psychological,financial) from government systems is not forthcoming.

    How would it be possible to train teaching and medical professionals to better understand and cope with ASD individuals without some sort of monetary backing?

    Presently,government systems are failing the families and professionals in regards to any type of support system.

    Ensuring the rate of success in awareness,acceptance,and inclusion of individuals with ASD ,should be the number one priority on the government's to-do list.
