Monday, February 23, 2009

Sorry Conor, No School Today, No ABA

Conor's school day includes ABA based academic instruction. Contrary to those with very little actual knowledge of, or real involvement with, ABA it is not oppressive and does not turn autistic children into robots. Conor looks forward to visits at home from ABA therapists and going to school where he receives ABA.

In the picture above Conor set his lunch bag in front of the door before going to bed last night, a sure sign he was eager to get to school where educators impose what Michelle Dawson, Estee Klar, and other anti-ABA activists, would call "oppressive" ABA. As the lunch bag shows Conor does not share their opinion of ABA. And he has a lot more actual experience with ABA than Ms Dawson or Ms Klar.

Unfortunately there was no school today. It was another snow day in Fredericton with police warning people to stay off the roads. Dad has to grab a shovel and tackle some of the snow. Weather permitting, Conor will be glad to get back to school tomorrow.

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  1. Anonymous1:15 pm

    Whoa, that's a lot of snow!

    My daughter hates the snow; it's one of her sensory things. Of course we lived in Hawaii when she was little so she never got used to it) we got a lot of it back around Christmas and my dh tried to get her to come outside with the other kids but she did not want to. He DID manage to carry her outside and she tentatively touched the snowman with the back of her hand, so that's a start.

    It is actually unusual for us to get snow here in Washington so this year's huge snowfall took us by surprise.

    Have a great snow day!

  2. Anonymous1:15 pm

    Added you to my blogroll, BTW! My blog is not quite as advanced as yours but it's a start!

  3. Somehow,Lea and I can fully relate to the cold and snowy weather.Just last month (Montreal,Quebec) we had -40 degree temperatures and snowfalls up to 30cm .

    Hopefully schools in New-Brunswick will re-open tomorrow and Conor can resume his regular routine and ABA therapies.

  4. Anonymous11:48 pm

    I couldn't agree more! We love ABA. My 2 year old son squeals with delight at everyone of his ABA therapist he has 30 plus hrs. a week. He is happier than I've ever seen him, because they are opening up a wonderful world to him!
