Saturday, February 07, 2009

Dear CNN: An Autism Dad Thanks You For Autism 911

Dear CNN

I thank you as the father of a severely autistic 13 year old boy for your realistic, informative and important autism feature Autism 911. I have been a critic on my blog site of past CNN and other major media coverage of autism disorders which has typically been shallow and painted an unrealistic feel good picture of autism and alternative autism interventions.

With Autism 911 CNN has provided honest journalistic coverage of some of the negative realities facing many autistic children and their families while documenting a real life example of the effectiveness of ABA as an autism intervention helpful in addressing those challenges.

Thank you.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:15 pm

    That's a very nice letter! I didn't see the piece that CNN did. Sigh! But it's great to hear that some of the media is actually getting it right when it comes to talking about disabilities. Getting the reality and not stereotyping as so many seem to do.
