Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Time To Resume The Struggle, Canada Still Needs A Real National Autism Strategy

The general election in Canada has come and gone. And Canada's National Autism Crisis remains.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper had no qualms about spending hundreds of millions of dollars on an unnecessary election. But still he can not even spend five cents on actually helping autistic children and adults in Canada. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has done nothing to help autistic children receive evidence based treatment in Canada. Nothing of substance will be done to help autistic children in Canada while Stephen Harper is Prime Minister.

There were many people who fought hard to raise the profile of autism and Canada's autism crisis during this election. I am not offering any names because I do not want to offend anyone by accidental omission. From BC to Nova Scotia the fight was waged for a real National Autism Strategy. The ultimate objective was not achieved .... this time. But the fight will continue for a real National Autism Strategy.

We know that autistic children across Canada deserve the opportunity for a better life. They deserve to receive Applied Behavioral Analysis and any other evidence based treatment that might be developed in future. They need treatment now. They do not need sham National Autism Symposiums which exclude parent advocates and provide watered down versions of what more credible American agencies like the American Academy of Pediatrics, the New York State Department of Health, the MADSEC Autism Task Force and the Office of the US Surgeon General have been telling us for many years.

We have to continue the fight for a National Autism Strategy. We have to reboot, recalibrate, recharge and resume the struggle and we have to start right now!

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