Sunday, November 23, 2008

Daddy Phone - Conor Brings Dad His Cell Phone

This may not seem like big news in the autism blogosophere but in my world, in Conor's world, it is huge.

We often have to be very careful where we leave various items because Conor will play with, and sometimes dismantle and destroy, them. Just out of curiosity.

Minutes ago Conor came running down stairs saying "Daddy phone" and handed me my cell phone which he knows I need. It may seem like a small thing for those debating the big issues of the autism wars but for me, and for Conor, it was a big moment.

Thanks Buddy.

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  1. Anonymous11:47 am

    Wow, was it ringing? It's amazing the things we see as a big deal in our world.

    My daughter has been collecting the remote controls and cordless phones the last few weeks and driving me insane, so I an for sure appreciate your joy with this one.

  2. Hello Fielding

    No, it wasn't ringing.

    Conor just saw it on my upstairs desk and knew that I usually keep it on my person. He wanted to make sure I had it.

    For Conor and me this is a very big deal. Not the phone itself; but his understanding and his independent action to bring it to Dad.

  3. We fully empathize with such event and we know what it takes to observe things of this kind, that may look minor to many.

  4. Thank you Marius.

  5. Anonymous3:22 pm

    It's not a little thing. Well done to Conor :D.

  6. I feel your relief.

  7. Anonymous12:26 am

    Congratulations! In our lives with Autism the things that seem small to others are really miracles and we should recognize and cherish each one!

  8. Anonymous11:31 am

    Not a little thing, definitely huge! How great for you!

  9. Anonymous3:15 pm

    That's wonderful, and it is huge
    Nice of Conor and nice for you.
    Thanks for sharing.
