Thursday, November 06, 2008

ABC News On The Dangers of Autism

ABC News Medical Unit, to its credit, reports on the Dangers of Autism in Autism in America: A Perilous Diagnosis. With so many major news organizations presenting dangerously misleading glorifications of Autistic Disorder and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders, and fresh on the CBC's irresponsible presentation of the "Positively Autistic" ideology, it is helpful to have ABC present some of the harsher realities of autism.

The feature addresses several dangers to which autistic persons may be at substantial risk, including drowning, wandering, self injury, seizures and sexual predators. These are some of the concerns that parents fear await their autistic children. amongst those interviewed for the feature is Dennis Debbaudt who has done so much work raising public awareness and promoting good safety practices related to autism.

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